WEST COVINA, CA May 5, 2023 3:00 PM PT – Beauty Bear’s favorite pair of boat earrings were separated at sea. It was a surprise to everyone when these fashionable boats finally got reunited, causing a smile ear to ear!
Beauty Bear shared the story of these boat earrings and it all started after a magical boat ride.
“I went on a magical boat ride two years ago and at the end they were giving away special goody bags as a souvenir. That’s where I got these special boat earrings, and I have worn them every Saturday since. It reminds me of the boat ride!” – Beauty Bear
It was reported that Beauty Bear was wearing just one earring last Saturday, after having given up on finding the 2nd earring. In our interview with Beauty Bear, we got the rest of the details.
“Last Saturday, I was cutting up onions for my onion salad, and I got all teary-eyed, so I went to the bathroom to get myself a soft tissue. I happened to look down at my trash can, and there it was, the boat!” – Beauty Bear
The boat was in the bathroom the whole time! Beauty Bear was looking everywhere, and thought she had lost it, but turns out it was just in the trash! We had to get to the bottom of this! How did it get there? Why would Beauty Bear throw away a perfectly good piece of jewelry?
“I couldn’t believe it, I was shocked! It turns out my hairbrush was also in the trashcan! I would never throw away my things! My bathroom counter is very slippery, so now I have a rubber mat on it, so things won’t accidently fall into my trash.” – Beauty Bear
What began a one-boat Saturday, doubled when Beauty Bear found her missing earring! This story is a great reminder for all of us to keep our belongings close and in a special spot, so they don’t get lost.